Show Me The Money

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This book dives into the interesting history of Australia's currency and takes a look at the lives of the people who appear on it.

Availability: Available Usually Dispatched In: 5-7 Business Days ISBN: 9781742035895 Brand/Publisher: Wild Dog Books Categories: Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)HistoryLiteracyNon-FictionMoney & Time

The next time you hand over your money, take a moment to really look at that coin or note. Why is there a clear strip on each note? Who are those people and what’s their story? And what’s the deal with the Queen? Learn about who and what is on Australian money in Show Me The Money.

Teacher Notes

ISBN 9781742035895
Publisher Wild Dog Books
Product Type Readers & Literacy,
Year Level Year 4, Year 5, Year 6,
Author(s) Sue Lawson & Krys Tayleur

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