Practical Science: Energy & Change Series - Book 3: Ages 10-12

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Book 3 in the Practical Science series contains a set of practical lessons, ideas and worksheets to explore the strand of Energy and Change . All activities are outcome linked to the science strands of state curriculum documents.

Availability: Available Usually Dispatched In: 3 - 7 Business Days Product Code: REP-821 ISBN: 9781863976794 Brand/Publisher: Ready-Ed Publications Categories: SciencePhysicsMachines

Part of the series Practical Science: Energy & Change Series.

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The three books in the Practical Science: Energy and Change series contain a set of practical lessons, ideas and worksheets to explore the strand of Energy and Change. Educational website references have been included where possible. All activities are outcome linked to the science strands of state curriculum documents.

Book 3 for ages 10 - 12 years:

Learning activities focus on electric circuits, energy transfer and energy use at home and school. Students will also explore the different sources of energy such as heat, light, mechanical, electrical, chemical and kinetic. Specific science skills will be enhanced through these activities including constructing, testing and gathering data. Students will also be involved in explaining how electrical appliances function by drawing labelled diagrams.

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ISBN 9781863976794
Publisher Ready-Ed Publications
Product Type Teacher Resources,
Year Level Year 5, Year 6,
Author(s) Kevin Rigg

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