Multiple Intelligences - Ages 5-7

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Available on orders $80 to $1000
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Multiple Intelligences - Ages 5-7 is a blackline master book providing teaching and learning opportunities using the eight multiple intelligences through a thematic approach.

Availability: Available Usually Dispatched In: 1 - 2 Business Days Product Code: RIC-0747 ISBN: 9781741261158 Brand/Publisher: R.I.C. Publications Categories: PsychologyTeacher Support

Part of the series Multiple Intelligences.

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Multiple Intelligences is a blackline master series providing teaching and learning opportunities using the eight multiple intelligences through a thematic approach. There are six units of work based on popular topics with a worksheet and comprehensive teachers notes for each intelligence.


  • teacher and student self-assessment proformas to identify individual intelligence strengths and weaknesses
  • overview pages providing further topic development and extension
  • student self-assessment pages
  • comprehensive teachers notes, answers and additional activities
SKU RIC-0747
ISBN 9781741261158
Publisher R.I.C. Publications
Product Type Teacher Resources,
Year Level Foundation, Year 1, Year 2,

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