Four Dead Queens

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SHORTLISTED: CBCA 2020 Awards, Book of the Year, Older Readers.

Availability: Available Usually Dispatched In: 3 - 10 Business Days ISBN: 9781760524418 Brand/Publisher: Allen & Unwin Categories: LiteracyEnglishReadingFictionCBCA Book WeekBook Week 2022: Old Classics and New Favourites

Part of the series Shortlisted Titles for CBCA Book Week.

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Four Queens. A divided nation. A ruthless pickpocket. A noble messenger. And the murders that unite them.

Seventeen-year-old Keralie Corrington is one of Quadara's most skilled thieves, but when she steals an unexpectedly valuable package from a messenger she is soon entangled in a conspiracy that leads to all four of Quadara's queens being murdered.

With no other choices and on the run from her former employer, Keralie teams up with Varin Bollt, the Eonist messenger she stole from, and together they race to discover who has killed the queens. But when dark secrets threaten their reluctant partnership and put everything at stake, Keralie and Varin must use all their daring to stay alive and untangle the mysteries behind the nation's four dead queens.

An enthralling fast-paced murder mystery where competing agendas collide with deadly consequences, Four Dead Queens heralds the arrival of an exciting new YA talent.

Teachers' Tips

ISBN 9781760524418
Publisher Allen & Unwin
Product Type Readers & Literacy,
Year Level Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12,
Author(s) Astrid Scholte

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