Achievement Standards Assessment - Mathematics: Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability
The assessments in this series are written to fully support implementation of the Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability Achievement Standards for Year 1 to 6 outlined in the Australian Mathematics curriculum. Each book contains 36 assessment tests containing 20 questions with a four-page test for the end of each term. The assessments can be used in a number of ways:
Complete an assessment test each week for the whole class by:
- distributing the test to each student.
- using an interactive whiteboard to display the test at the front of the classroom and going through each question with the whole class.
- installing the tests on your school network for students to complete using the interactive PDFs and saving their results.
Select a test to match your classroom program.
Work with a small group who require support by:
- sharing the reading of the questions.
- asking for oral answers.
- keenly observing students’ progress.
Ask individual students to complete a test with teacher/ teacher aide assistance.
The CD-ROM in the back of the book contains
- Interactive whiteboard (IWB) friendly PDFs of the whole book.
- Interactive PDFs to be installed on your school network.
- Student result logs
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