Junior Learning

At Junior Learning they pride themselves on having the best value resources - best prices and best educational quality. By investing in new technologies, they innovate to create new ways for kids to learn and achieve their best.

Every Junior Learning resource has been developed by educational neuroscientist Dr. Duncan. As such, they include things that make teaching easier including: simple to follow instructions, opportunities for self-correction, colour-coding support, rich content and hands on fun.

Junior Learning educational resources will save hours of preparation time, and the multi-sensory approach will engage even the most reluctant learner.

100 Common Idioms

100 Common Idioms


100 Mathcubes

100 Mathcubes


100 Multicubes

100 Multicubes


100 Spelling Mnemonics

100 Spelling Mnemonics


120 Bubble Board

120 Bubble Board


4 Social Skills Board Games

4 Social Skills Board Games


44 Sound Board

44 Sound Board


44 Sound Cards

44 Sound Cards


44 Sound Pop-Up

44 Sound Pop-Up


44 Sound Wall Border

44 Sound Wall Border


44 Sounds - Teach Me Tags

44 Sounds - Teach Me Tags


50 100s Board Activity Cards

50 100s Board Activity Cards


50 Bead String Activity Cards

50 Bead String Activity Cards


50 Counter Activity Cards

50 Counter Activity Cards


50 Debating Activities

50 Debating Activities


50 Dice Activity Cards

50 Dice Activity Cards


50 Dominoes Activity Cards

50 Dominoes Activity Cards


50 Emotion Activities

50 Emotion Activities


50 Fraction Activity Cards

50 Fraction Activity Cards


50 Geoboard Activity Cards

50 Geoboard Activity Cards


50 Link Cube Activity Cards

50 Link Cube Activity Cards


50 Mindfulness Activity Cards

50 Mindfulness Activity Cards


50 Money (AUD) Activity Cards

50 Money (AUD) Activity Cards


50 Nature Activities

50 Nature Activities


50 Number Line Activity Cards

50 Number Line Activity Cards


50 Place Value Activity Cards

50 Place Value Activity Cards


50 Social Scenario Activities

50 Social Scenario Activities


50 Speaking Activity Cards

50 Speaking Activity Cards


50 STEM Activities

50 STEM Activities


50 Ten Frame Activity Cards

50 Ten Frame Activity Cards


6 Blend Games

6 Blend Games


6 Calculating Games

6 Calculating Games


6 Comprehension Games

6 Comprehension Games


6 Conflict & Resolution Games

6 Conflict & Resolution Games


6 Grammar Games

6 Grammar Games


6 Health and Wellbeing Games

6 Health and Wellbeing Games


6 Letter Sound Games

6 Letter Sound Games
