Top 5 Mathematics Student Books for Primary Aged Students

Engaging young minds in mathematics can be a challenge. Sometimes thought of as a “dull”, “too hard” subject, students may become discouraged at a young age and convinced they are simply bad at maths. It is important for teachers to create a supportive environment in which students are free to consolidate their knowledge, learn from mistakes and apply maths concepts to real-world situations. Here are five great resources for supporting maths learning in primary school students.


1. iMaths

iMaths is a unique program that fosters enquiry by immersing students in relevant, real-life maths Investigations. The highly motivating and engaging Investigations allow students to apply and practice their knowledge of maths concepts, which improves their abilities and results.

Shop Now: iMaths – Student Books


2. Stepping Stones

Originally designed to 'step' teachers and students into the new Australian Curriculum, Stepping Stones has now been redeveloped to deliver comprehensive coverage of the F-6 Australian Curriculum – and even more! The student journals provide stepped-out lessons where concepts from the online program are broken into manageable sections.

Shop Now: Stepping Stones – Student Journals


3. Maths Plus

Maths Plus is a leading mathematics program for F–6 that delivers results. Practice, with a view to mastery, underpins the spiral approach used in the Maths Plus program, allowing students to build on and re-visit mathematical content throughout the year. This helps students develop robust recall of information, consolidate their learning and increase their mathematical fluency.


Shop Now: Maths Plus – Student and Assessment Books


4. PRIME Mathematics Scholastic

PRIME Mathematics for Australian Schools is a synthesis of the requirements of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics and the pedagogy and instructional design used by the top-performing nations. It covers both the Content Descriptions of the Australian curriculum and the Proficiency Strands.


Shop Now: PRIME Mathematics for Australian Schools – Core Books


5. Australian Signpost Maths

A longtime favourite with teachers, Australian Signpost Maths (Third Edition) now features resources to help you take maths learning into the digital age and meet the latest assessment requirements. Use the student activity book as your program foundation and add digital assets to move learning online.


Shop Now: Australian Signpost Maths – Student Activity Books



Do you teach maths to primary aged students? What are your tips for keeping them engaged in their learning?



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