3 hot weather activities for summer

Summer is fast approaching, and we know the hot weather can make life very difficult in the classroom. Students often struggle to concentrate, and teachers aren’t immune from the heat either! Unfortunately, we can’t do much to alter the temperature at your school, but we’ve found three summer activities you can try with kids.

Make a fan

One way to cool down is to use a fan, so let your students make and decorate their own.

Visit Kidspot

Make icy poles

If you can use a blender and freezer for a couple of days, kids will love these healthy treats.

Visit Natural Health Mag

Make a kite

DIY Paper Kite - Happiness Is Homemade 

Kids can get creative with these paper kites and have fun flying them on windy days.

Visit Happiness Is Homemade


How do you keep cool and help your students focus on hot days?


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